Iodine information to get you started.
Iodine information to get you started.
Forms of Iodine
Nascent (aka Magnascent, Detoxified or Automidine) – Based on Edgar Cayce’s “energized” iodine. The iodine is reduced to a 1% concentration in 100% ethyl alcohol and electro-magnetically transmuted (while being suspended in a wet bath containing a mild acid solution) into the Atomic state. 1 drop = 150 mcg or .150 mg of Iodine. This form will not saturate body tissues and has not been proven to detox halides such as bromide, fluoride, chloride or mercury as other forms have.
Iosol –
Promadine –
Lugol’s Liquid –
Iodoral –
My TSH went up on Iodine – This is a common occurrence when a person starts to take iodine after being deficient. The body increases TSH to stimulate production of thyroglobulin which is used to bind to the iodine in thyroid hormone production. Individuals can have TSH levels as high as 75 for up to 6 months without clinical signs of hypothyroidism. The best values to check with labs if there is a concern are the Free T3 and Free T4. You will find in most cases that the “frees” are nicely within the ranges.
My Ferritin dropped on Iodine – This has been happening to people taking 50 mgs or more of Iodoral. It has been rectified by adding a B6 – Complex along with an iron supplement. Ferritin can be restored to normal levels. It is thought to occur due to an increase in metabolic rate that requires more iron. Sufficient ferritin levels (60-70) are needed to create thyroid hormones.
I am gaining weight since starting iodine – Unfortunately this can occur in those that are very toxic in halides like bromide. If your detoxification pathways are not able to eliminate the toxins being released by iodine then your body will buffer them with water and fat. It may be due in part to lowered calcium levels as well as magnesium, vit D and B Vitamins. All work to maintain balance in the cells and eliminate toxins.
Supporting Nutrients for taking Iodine -
Vit C – 2,000 – 5,000 mgs / day
Selenium – 200 – 400 mcg / day
Unrefined salt (Celtic) – ½ tsp / day
Magnesium – 400 mgs / day
Optional – ATP CoFactors -1 tablet 2x / day
Is there an issue with taking Iodine and having mercury amalgam fillings?
While iodine does seem to pull out mercury from the cells / tissues of the body, there has been no indication that it is dangerous to take iodine while amalgams remain in the body. If there is concern, supplements like cilantro, chlorella and others can be used to help bind and carry the mercury out of the body.
I have hashimotos. Can I take Iodine? (the following is an excerpt from Dr. Brownstien’s Iodine book)
Chapter 7 described the apoptotic (i.e., anticancer) effects of the iodinated form of lactone (δ- Iodolactone). δ- Iodolactone is not only important for preventing cancer, its production is also necessary to help regulate the oxidation of iodine. Figure 3 illustrates this regulatory step in the oxidation/organification of iodine.
As previously mentioned, the oxidation of iodide to iodine occurs through the interaction of H2O2 and TPO. Iodine is a necessary product in order to provide the correct molecule in the cell so that organification can occur. If organification does not take place or is blocked, thyroid hormone and iodo-lipids will not be formed. As can be seen from Figure 3, this reaction is controlled by intracellular calcium levels and iodinated lipids—δ-iodolactone.
Intracellular calcium stimulates this pathway. On the other hand, δ-iodolactone and other iodinated lipids act as a brake on the system. If there is not enough iodine in the cell to organify and produce adequate amounts of δ-iodolactone, it can set the stage for damage to the thyroid cell and the development of an autoimmune thyroid disorder such as Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease.
A Proposed Mechanism For The Development Of Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders
The NADPH oxydase system is found in the mitochondria of our cells. The mitochondria are the energy-producing cells of our body. The mitochondria produce energy (i.e., ATP) through a complex process called oxidative phosphorylation. All medical students (and most physicians) are familiar with oxidative phosphorylation because we have to memorize the many steps responsible for producing ATP. This production of ATP requires many items including: oxygen, magnesium, ADP, and amino acids.
Many people with chronic illnesses, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disorders, complain they have no energy. ATP is the molecule that stores energy for the body. The body is constantly producing and utilizing ATP. Its production is a complex process that is beyond this book. However, there are two cofactors, Vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin), that are integral to stimulating oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production.
Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct of oxidative phosphorylation. It is this production of hydrogen peroxide that is so critical to the oxidation process of iodine. Hydrogen peroxide and TPO help to oxidize iodide to form iodine.
If there is a deficiency in iodine, which is common when ingesting the RDA for iodine, there will not be enough substrate (i.e., iodine) to produce iodinated lipids. As can be seen from Figure 3, the lack of δ-iodolactone and other iodinated lipids results in a loss of the ‘brake’ in the pathway to oxidize iodide. This may result in a temporarily production of too much hydrogen peroxide. This excess hydrogen peroxide can damage the enzyme TPO.
What Happens If TPO Is Damaged? Autoimmune Thyroid Illness
The body’s response to TPO damage is to produce antibodies against TPO or anti-TPO antibodies. A diagnosis of Hashimoto’s disease requires the presence of anti-TPO antibodies. As the damage worsens, surrounding proteins can also be damaged such as thyroglobulin. Damaged thyroglobulin will result in the body producing antibodies against thyroglobulin—anti-thyroglobulin antibodies.
In most cases of Hashimoto’s disease, there are antibodies to both TPO and thyroglobulin present. Although Graves’ disease may also possess these same antibodies, antibody production is not necessary to make the diagnosis of Graves’ disease. However, my clinical experience has shown that the treatment for both Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease can follow a similar course with similar positive outcomes.
How to Treat Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders
1. Ingest enough iodine in order to provide adequate substrate to iodinate lipids.
2. Take Vitamins B2 and B3 in amounts necessary to stimulate the NADPH system to produce adequate amounts of H2O2.
3. Correct oxidant stress in the thyroid gland and the mitochondria with antioxidants.
4. Ensure adequate magnesium levels.
5. Minimize oxidative stress in the body.
I have adrenal fatigue. Can I take Iodine? Yes, Iodine is used by every gland and mucosal lining and is needed to heal the adrenals. You should also use unrefined salt to support them as well as Vit C.
How long should I take Iodine? Dr. Abraham has stated that it should take 6 months of 50 mgs to reach 90% saturation. However, it has taken people years (in reality) to detox halides and allow the iodine to enter the cells. So there is no set time that a person can expect to supplement and reach saturation levels.
I have breast cancer and would like to learn more about using iodine. The best resource for breast cancer is
Where can I buy Iodoral?
What is the Salt Loading Protocol? Perform the salt loading protocol when you are experiencing issues with iodine supplementation.
1/2 tsp celtic (or other unrefined) salt in 1/2 cup of warm water
Follow the above with a glass of 12 oz filtered water.
** Repeat every 30-45 minutes as needed until urination begins.
Why does this help?
Salt - containing chloride - binds to the bromide in the blood stream and carries it out through the kidneys.
Recommended Reading – Many of the questions asked over and over are covered in these reference materials. Please familiarize yourself with them to help with limiting the repetition of information on the group.
Dr David Brownstein – Iodine Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without it
Dr. David Brownstein – Salt Your Way To Health
Dr. David Derry – - Research by Dr. Guy Abraham – the founder of The Iodine Project - The Iodine Group’s repository for Iodine research.
Servus Mariusz