Do not wait to kill parasites, please. They are deadly and are multiplying every day, in some cases growoing bigger & bigger, leaving more and more of their filth in your system.
Yes, you need to detox from heavy metals too.
Yaeyama chlorella will do you no harm, but will help to chelate the mercury. If you decide to use cilantro, procede with great caution. It can cause some very unpleasant side effects. Check out Dr. Klinghart (along with Mercola's vids) on Youtube & elsewhere. I use Kombucha Tea (lots of info on the net, & here on CZ look under Tea forum) to move out the mercury now, not cilantro. It is expensive to buy but cheap & easy to make. If you get a scoby for the Tea from someone, soak it overnight in strong vinegar to kill any no nos.
Here is what helped me with both issues but it is not fast or easy.