15 y
Re: Scientology+ Infinite Potential connection!!
And you shall be like gods with infinite potential,,promises promises promises!Seems all these goofball new age hustlers offer this infinite potential! An age old ploy on the simple minded!
Scientology appears to teach that each individual is divine. If thetans (each person), is an eternal spirit, with divine attributes, or at least "infinite creative potential", then that is very close to proclaiming that each one of us is divine. Scientology is not unique in this claim, for many other religions, including Mormonism teach the same concept, that is, we are all gods. At this point Scientology doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. If "thetans" were so smart that they could create such a vast illusion (the entire physical universe), and such a realistic illusion, then why did they end up getting trapped by it? In contrast, the Bible always claims that the physical universe, including such things as suffering is not an illusion (Romans 5:3-5). In fact, the human body is not an illusion, for one of the teachings in the Bible is the resurrection of the human body (1 Corinthians 15).