"As an insider, did you visit one of these temples, get sealed for all eternity to your parents, did your parents wear the magic 'garments'??"
I was never that inside. They create a mystique about those who are. It operates like many orders do that lead you to deeper levels of 'specialness."
What I remember most is looking at the gold statues on top of the mormon temple. It created an optical illusion as I stared at it. it would like like gold puffs coming off the top after staring for a while.
I had been hounded by missionaries no matter where I moved, they would find me and want to offer help or just talk. When I shot them questions they could not answer and that made them feel uncomfortable. Soon after this the stalking stopped.
The church is set up as a kind of museum . Its just all very vivid and surreal and visually alluring like the catholic cult grounds are.