Vicious cycle...
Hi, everyone,
this is the first time I'm posting in this forum. And there;s is a very simple explanation to that: I need help, well at least some support the people like me. I don't get any help from my family so I think that's the last hope for me. So I don't really know what happened with my brain for the last four months. I have trouble with executive functions (planning, organizing, secondary emotions,...), general emotional state. I know I feel bad, but I just can't express that, I can;t cry, I don't have any drive to do anything, I don't love anyone. I don't experience anger, fear,remorse, empathy, loneliness, excitement, etc anymore. well, at least not that strongly. No more motivation to do anything. Most of the times I feel down. Let's say something happens but in another minute it's already out of my mind. And generally I'm like another person now.
Apart from that I have an addiction to food. I could binge till my stomach starts aching. And I still don't feel any relief after that. It happens usually nighttime. Otherwise, I just can't fall asleep. I binge away from everyone. And I just can't do anything about this, I'm just lacking something in my brain so it's hard to convince myself that this is all wrong.
I'm lost, I don't know what to do... What's happened to my brain???????
BW: I tried some brain vitamins, and they just make me more anxious, inattentive, confused,...
Thanks for any comments, I'm still hesitating about visiting a neurologist, since I'm almost 100% sure that I'll not get much help (I had and still have problems with my stomach and did not get any help from doctors for at least a half a year so I just simply don;t trust them anymore