"The Fall of Lucifer".... a metaphor?
Look, I don't pretend to know the bible
but in reading the above post it occurred to me
that Lucifer was acting very human in his disobedience.
We tend to think we know what is best for us and
go for it. Sometimes what we think we want isn't
at all what we had in mind.
Our own pride and ego blind us.
I think this story of lucifer is just that, a story.
I think the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of eden
is a story too.
It's just someone trying to explain something.
I tend to believe that Ego, and it's defenses
create a lot of the suffering in the world.
That stance of "I'm better than you", which
of course is never given as the reason for the action,
but underlies it all the same.
Just throwing some ideas out there.