Re: God is a Psycho
lol, you think whatever you like Hunter, just as I will go on exploring information. If you really had a good look at my posting history, you will see that I'm not into "putting people down" I appreciate all people who contribute to intelligent debate, (and there are quite a few of those right here on this forum), but I have no interest in those that wish to engage in name calling and personal attacks.
As for infinite potential, I have always had an interest in what is beyond the belief systems and religions that abound in the world today. I prefer the term universal energy, but in essence it is the same concept as infinite potential, so either term is acceptable to me. I have been studying and learning about universal energy for a good many years now, having come to this concept through my study of physics and mathematics. So none of this is a brand new thing for me.
Whether or not people 'latch on to' infinite potential, is neither here nor there, as it is not a belief system, but merely a concept that has been and is being explored, and there is no criteria involved, as to whether you can explore it or not. Everyone is free to do what they wish, and think what they wish.