Re: God and Spousal Abuse
Naw, there are no perfect people anywhere that I can see, no matter what labels get slapped on them or what box they get locked in - and I have had eyes for over 5.5 decades. It's a good thing too that "addict" is sometimes only one facet of a human being and not the whole enchilada. I KNOW there is a bit of the best in the worst of us, and bit of the worst in the best of us. Everyone steps on everyone's toes - sometimes.
My family is simply more like MOST families than not. My reaction to it is what is important - so no need to feel bad for me, not when I became so much more than I might have been if I had been sheltered from the harsh realities of life. I have overcome every obstacle laid before me, so far, and much character has been built and revealed along the way. We all get to choose - bitter or better? More open, or cynical and closed? I was abused by those who were abused, and in their self-pity and narrow view produced by fear, they felt they had the right to be abusive, thereby perpetuating this cycle. I chose to bring it to a screeching halt for me and mine (4 grown, non-abusive children) many years ago. Most folks just live in the dis-ease and dysfunction and pass it down the line. What I know about infinite potential is simple - ANYTHING is possible ... but only if you think so ....................