Re: What are your candida symptoms???
My symptoms started after prolonged
Antibiotic use and peaked after i used the contraceptive pill for a short time.
These were:
-weight gain and inability to lose weight
-mental 'fog'(i felt like i was drunk for two years)
Acne rosacea
-bloating and fluid retention
-food and chemical sensitivities
-constipation and alternating diarrhoea
-coated white tongue and bad breath
I find that most of these disappear after a thorough blowel cleanse and use of a digestive enzyme complex.
I've been able to attribute the
Acne rosacea,
food sensitivities , bad breath and bloating to terrible digestion since the digestive enzymes completely eliminated that, although the coated white tongue remains.
Also, if i ever miss a dosage with food, i immediately get these symptoms back as well as thrush.
My plan is to
Colon Cleanse regularly and go on a round of candida meds/
parasite cleanse until i'll completely symptom free. We'll see how that works out.