Re: The Mellon Institute- bromide in bread, fluoride in water
Nancy, er, Wombat... this is a lot to chew on, so to speak. Will digest, so to speak, this tremendous amount of research and respond. This is significant....
The insane thing is, even armed with analysis like this, people I present these arguments and analysis to will continue to shove commercial everything into their mouths.
One thing I can respond to now, before reading the material in depth, is how I have been reflecting a great deal in the last few days about what was being expelled from my body when I first started to really detox. I was very confused by everything that was happening and asked what I now know are obvious things. At the time, I flat did not understand what was happening.
For instance, the immediate frontal headaches. The very achy joints and muscle tissue. The breaking out of skin at my age was, well, really disconcerting. What the hell was that about?!?! Then there was the ultimate confusion about really being perplexed about how dark and stinky my urine and stools became for a few weeks. Metallic at times. My skin was excreting some awful things.
What I remember was not really connecting all these together, even tho these were happening somewhat together, tho spread out. Now I have a much better idea of what may have been happening.
What I was really reflecting on the last few days was how absolutely stinky I was for several weeks. I mean, it was almost impossible to feel like I could get myself clean, especially under the armpits. I just could not get those glands to stop the stench. And it was, stench.
Today, I am amazed at how little deodorant (natural) I need. In fact, I just about do not need any. Am hardly expressing any
Body Odor , whereas during that period of what I now know was some serious offloading of among other things, bromine, was stark. I mean, STARK. At the time, it was just very confusing.
Now I know, it was detox of many things. It is absolutely amazing to me how little is required to remain, fresh. Where before, it was a daily deodorizing requirement which I thought was just a fact of life. And during the detox offload, good lord... I mean I was downright ripe toxic waste dump. That was some serious very poor smelling stuff that was being excreted. For at least 5-7 weeks.
What a difference now. So when I come to research and analysis, especially when it comes from Nancy Drew, and especially when it involves bromine, I am preter-attentive. To see how this has become part of a population's chemical makeup after going through what my sweetie and I have gone through in detox, is beyond scary. And you think anyone will listen? Nawp.