hey there,
how long did it take you or how many flushes did you do before your sinusitis cleared up?
I have had sinusitis and horrible nasal breathing problems since I was 12 and had pneumonia followed by a countless series of
Antibiotics . I am 26 now, so 14 years of this has not been fun.
I can rarely breath through my nose. what does come out in my throat is clear, not infected, but my nasal passages are completely closed 95% of the time, unless I am exercising.
I tend to run really cold and notice that I am more likely to breathe through my nose when I am thoroughly warm and that they close up when I am cold or breathing cool air.
Liver Flushing take a while to clear up your sinus problems? I have done 4 flushes so far and *try* to follow the candida diet and I take my supplements.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Christi