Re: Beck blood electrifier or Hulda Clark Zapper?
>- you've got to ask yourself why, if there's a cheap, magic cure available, it's not used by your doctors?
And ...... the answer is ......
PROFIT !!!!!!
Doctors and pharmaceutical companies do not make profit off of cheap things that they can not patent.
Example: Baking soda cures most cancers but you will not see it used in the US
Example: 3000 IU of Vitamin D daily will prevent most cancers and is safe but they poopoo that.
Example: The FDA publishes a paper showing that electricity (zapping) kills bacteria, viri, and most other microbes in water, juices, milk, etc but you will not see any effort for using this on humans who are up to 78 percent water. I have been calling for this for about 10 years and others have been claiming it for over 100 years.
Bypass surgery is unnecessary in 95 percent of cases. They do it for profit.
Chemotherapy is unnecessary and damaging. They do it for profit.
Gall bladder surgery is unnecessary in most cases. They do it for profit without trying other things first.