Yes, I do. As a matter of fact, last night was terrible. I was having some pretty vivid dreams as well, which is pretty typical for me. Woke up 1 hour after falling asleep. My heart was pounding pretty well. I was able to calm myself down and get back to sleep pretty quickly. One hour later, there it went again. Really creeped me out. I stayed up for about an hour, as I've had rapid hearts before, just not like that...twice with the timeframe in between. I run low in magnesium, and supplement it, and tonight used my transdermal as well. Usually helps a lot. Yours may be low magnesium, which has a major effect on heart, but if it keeps up, check with your doc (that's how I found out). I find myself coming out of dreams too, not nightmares. I think they're just vivid enough to get me going. Know that you're not's a crappy, scary feeling, that's for sure. I see that you posted this 3 months ago..what's your update?