Re: Successful cases of candida cure...STOMACH ACID AND CONSTIPATION
the best thing you can do to begin is stop eating foods that you are intolerant to (possibly wheat,other grains, peanuts, nuts,mold, yeast, vinegar, dairy)....take fiber/bentonite w/charcoal/diatamaceous earth (2 capsules each) 3x a day on empty stomach;; taste bitter herbs (gentian, dandelion, burdock leaf) 15 minutes before meals to stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretions;;drink a large glass of water with unrefined salt to taste 30 mins before a meal...
eating low
Sugar fruits between least 1.5 hours after meals will help speed up intestinal transit time...
eating a large salad with everymeal is important to for fiber, vitamins, and detoxification. rice is the only recommended grain.
that is the best starting advice that anyone can give you...getting sufficient stomach acid and getting rid of constipation remove most of the symptoms brainfog, depression, severe bloating and impart a satisfactory quality of life...from that point on i do not have the best advice, but i am sure i went from a place of heavy suffering to a place where i can live my life and be happy because of this change....and i have seen and heard many other people say the same thing.
i did it, i lived it, that is what you are asking for...if you truly want to end your suffering this is the simplest quickest way to do it.
if you have more questions use the search tool, the candida page has been going for a long time and people are always asking the same questions... remember raise stomach acid and end constipation!
peace be
love free
patient heal thyself