Phew, a little update on my condition. I'm not cured, but it's interesting to see how I feel after getting the toxins out. I went to the bathroom a moment ago, and for the first time in a while I saw along with the usual yellow clumps what looked like mold hyphae, little stalks with fuzzy green tips. It looked exactly like what you see on the right in this picture:
I was having terrible brain fog earlier, with very disorganized and confused thoughts, it was terribly disturbing. Then when I see this kind of stuff come out later, I have faith again that what I'm doing is working. No wonder I feel so terrible with this garbage growing inside! No Doctor can tell me this is just fantasy or conjecture. Mold is actually coming out of me. Not only do I have a history of Antibiotics and accutane, but there was a mold outbreak in my house before my health totally broke down. And to think people accuse us of making this stuff up.