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Re: underlying causes..
dvjorge Views: 2,608
Published: 16 y
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Re: underlying causes..

Many people , including drs, believe candida is the result of one o more underlaying causes. It could be real. Fungus are opportunistics and they overgrow when get a chance.One of the most solid theory stay candida can be the result of an endocrine dissorder. I mean when enough tests have been done to rule out AIDS, leukemia, cancer, diabetes and other serious diseases. It is true that Antibiotics cause flora unbalance and candida can overgrow, but it is also true that many people get several Antibiotic rounds without show candida symptoms. I can imagine how many people get a lot Antibiotics to overcome a serious infection or to avoid it during an organ transplantation, accidents, etc. Also, candida is more seen in women..Does it mean that women take more Antibiotics than men??? Could be real but who knows it. Anyway, I believe a weak immune system is behind candidiasis. Heavy metals weak the immune system and can be a cause. Ph, body ph allow candida to overgrow, if the ph is too high or too low, it may favor candida. Hormonal unbalance is another factor.. So, it could be good to get some tests to know if we have heavy metal toxicity, hormonal problems, diabetes, aids, righ ph and a CDSA to know how is our gut microbiota's state. I have to say, I would like to take all of this test but so far I have been tested for AIDS, diabetes and normal blood panel. CDSA can give us a picture about the intestinal flora, if there isn't lactobasilus found, probably candida never can be cured. It scare me enough to delay the day I decide to send my sample. This candida isn't full understood yet. There is a lot of unanswered questions about it. I hope before I die the mainstream medicine get truly interest in this terrible health problem. And sadly, you see more people with severe candida symptoms every day. One of my best friend children is having an ear infection every month and taking Antibiotic rounds for it as a never end cycle. Sad, really sad.


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