Maybe it is that you used dried peppers, dried are always much hotter than fresh.
My tincture is made from 95% fresh raw habbies with just 1/2 cup of a mixture of 3/4 part dried African Bird Peppers and 1/4 part dried Habanero Peppers. So my Cayenne tincture doesn't have much dried powder but enough to make it hot, hot, hot.
Yes, Dr. Christopher's Eyebright formula is GREAT! I've got CD's where Dr. Christopher tells of a man who was born blind that used the formula and within two years he could see and was learning to read. I'm thinking he was 25 years old. Of course along with the Eyebright Dr. Christopher put him on the Mucusless Diet and probably some other things too.
I hope you're able to use it again soon and yes, if you do please let us know.