"I've already had Lasik surgery. One of my eyes is a little blurry. So I'm going to give it a try. I know Shulze's products are very high quality but I'm going to try Uny's as they are about half the price. It looks as though they've pirated everything."
Since Schulze has apparently caved to the PTB he has changed some of his original formulas and he has also changed some of Dr. Christopher's original formulas. When you get the tinctures from Uny they are the exact formulas that have healed thousands upon thousand of people. You couldn't get a higher quality tincture anywhere. And yes, they are much less expensive than Schulze.
Maybe you don't know that Dr. Christopher lectured all over the country giving people all of his formulas and teaching them how to make them and how to use them. Dr. Schulze did the same thing in his Natural Healing Crusades, there are some of those you can watch if you search Google, during his lectures he also gave people his formulas, how to make them and how to use them.
All that being said, you can't pirate something that has been freely given. Not only has it been freely given many years ago, the videos are still out there for all to gather information from and make their own herbal tinctures. Uny has pirated nothing.
To me, the sign of a true healer is that they are willing to teach their patients how to heal themselves so that their students can go on to teach others. That is what Dr. Christopher did and that is what Dr. Schulze used to do and that is what Uny DOES now. She encourages people to make their own tinctures, to learn and then to teach others. If we all did that then this world would be a much better place. A lot of people just don't have the time to make their own and for some its just easier to purchase them. I have learned so much about healing naturally and I've learned it from Uny, Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze. I have made gallons of different tinctures of my own using the original formulas of both Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze and it is so much fun, I can't even describe how fun it is to make a healing tincture out of herbs that were put on this earth to heal ourselves with. It is truly empowering.
Just wanted to clear that pirating business up lol.
Motif & Zyzik,
I believe its safe to say that not one person went blind using the Eyewash but there have been MANY testimonies of people that were almost almost blind regaining their eyesight. I would think if anyone even one person had gone blind using this eyewash it would have been all over the media and we'd have run across it. The following is an excerpt from and interview with Dr. Schulze.
INTERVIEWER: What about infection coming out of the eyes? Have you ever seen people whose eyes supposedly got infected from this? I've heard people say it caused a serious eye infection.
SCHULZE: Yes, but that's not true. Of course, your doctor may say that. But what's happened is these herbs are drawing mucus and pus out of the tear ducts and out of the eye.
So what appears to be that you got an infection after two or three days of using the eyewash is just the purification process. If you keep going with it in another day or two it will be over.
I've seen the same thing with his vaginal bolus routine. I've seen women do it, and then all of a sudden they develop a discharge and have an irritation and discharge vaginally. And certainly if you go to your OBGYN and say I've been putting herbs up my vagina----
INTERVIEWER: They will say that you contaminated your vagina.
SCHULZE: Absolutely. But the bottom line is it's drawing this material out. If you continue the program, it will come out and stay out.
INTERVIEWER: What happens if it comes out in their eyes; how do they deal with it? All of a sudden, they think there is a raging infection.
SCHULZE: It's not that bad, and of course, one thing that is in the formula is goldenseal. Goldenseal is a great anti-bacterial to the mucous membranes and especially the eyes.
So it is not a problem, you just use more eyewah the minute you notice that coming out. It's not uncommon in cases of serious eye disease. Once you are using the eyewash for 2-3 days or even a week, all of a sudden your tear ducts start opening up. Of course, this is one of the things that the eyewash does.
INTERVIEWER: Have you ever had any infection get out of control?
SCHULZE: No, never. I just have people that have their eyes stuck. A hot washcloth is all that is needed to do the trick, and then you wash the eyes out again. I've never had anybody have a real problem with it except being a little startled from waking up with their eyes stuck shut.
There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of when using this eyewash. It can only improve the condition of the eyes.
When Dr. Christopher made this formula he made it into a tea. His instructions were to brew one cup of tea, after you've used two eyecups full for both eye he said to drink the rest of the cup of tea. I haven't seen anywhere in the eye chapter in the SYL manual where Dr. Schulze says anything about drinking the tincture.
Since Dr. Christopher had people drinking the tea I'd say that yes, we should be drinking the tincture too. I'm thinking I'm going to take at least two droppersful each time I use the eyewash. I'll ask Uny to see what she says about that, I'll let you know. Dr. Schulze did say that to enhance using the eyewash we could use the Brain Formula tincture so I'm going to take that too.
I talked to Uny. She said two droppersful each time you do the eyewash would be good.
Lol, yeah, I'm gonna start with only one drop too!
If I remember correctly I think Uny told me she also started out taking one or two drops. She never did get up to what Dr. Schulze recommended lol. She did say that you get used to it just like you get used to taking the Cayenne tincture so if we use it until we have perfect eyesight then I'd say we can build up to five or more drops cause it will take a while to restore my eyesight. ;)
Okay I've got my report for you. I won't go into much explanation here because it might get really long, I'll do a post later tonight in NH.
Once I got the Cayenne tincture mixed with the Eyebright I put one drop of the formula in the eyecup filled with distilled water. When I tipped my head back and opened my eye I was shocked, but in a good way. It felt strange just because of what I was doing lol, never used an eyecup before but it wasn't burning much at all, just kind of stinging. I did both eyes. When I took the eyecup away I was prepared for the burn when I opened my eye but that didn't happen either, again, just kind of a stinging.
I knew something must be wrong because it didn't really burn so I called Uny and told her about it. After going over our calculations for the added Cayenne it turns out I didn't put enough in the Eyebrigh bottle lol. I added the rest of the Cayenne I was supposed to have put in it and tried it again. I used one drop again.
This time I was really expecting the BURN but again it just stung but more than the first time. When I was done and opened my eye it still didn't BURN lol but it did kinda sting a little more than the first time. So the next time I used two drops and it was the same thing only with a little more sting but still not bad at all.
Since I made these tinctures myself Uny is sending me a small bottle of her Eyebright to compare it to mine and see if it still doesn't BURN. The only thing either one of us can come up with is one, that my tincture still doesn't have enough Cayenne in it or two, I'm immune to the BURN. You know some people can take more pain than others, maybe my tolerance is higher than most? Just don't know. Needless to say I'm sure hoping its the latter lol! This will be a walk in the park if I'm immune to the BURN!!!!
Telly, don't go by what I'm saying because it will be different for you and it might just turn out that I DON'T have enough Cayenne in mine and I'll get the shock of my life when I get Uny's lol. I'm hoping that won't be the case!
Let us know when you get yours.