One other thing regarding Type II. I've tried taking
chromium and/or cinnamon, and neither one has helped to reduce my BS. It
may work for some but it sure hasn't helped me or my siblings either. Once
more, each body is unique and you have to listen to your body through whatever
means are available.
One item did work. There was a small study in India then
another one at Arizona State University where people taking one tablespoon of
apple cider vinegar 30 minutes before a meal, lowered their post meal BS by
about 20 points. It's difficult for me to get it down so I generally use
it only after a carbohydrate meal. Went to a high school reunion about
three years ago before my afib diagnosis, and ate every carbohydrate they had
available - including cheese cake. When I got home my heart was trying to
jump out of my chest and I checked my BS and found it to be 215. Then
started chugging ACV - 2 ounces at a time until I got either 6 or 8 ounces
down. The heart problem stopped almost instantly and checked my BS 45
minutes later and found it at 89. I now know that I was in afib, and that
fixed it. I still use the ACV at times for BS but generally just try to
control my carbohydrate intake.