Individuals vs Corporations
They favor help for individuals as opposed to help for corporations....when there has to be a choice.
Superficially it sounds good but, when we choose to help people over corporations.
1. It is neither our money nor was it earned or should belong to anyone in the government.
2. We essentially punish success.
3. Stifle liberty and the choices corporations may have wanted to do with that money that is no longer theirs.
4. May have prevented that corporation from expanding and hiring more people.
5. People don't respect unearned money and objects nearly as much as if they had earned it. Look at lottery winners (over 70% are flat broke within a few years) and people who rent and government programs that place poor people in homes. Look at Indian reservations (before they got into gaming).
If 70% of lottery winners become flat broke, what makes liberals think we can elevate the poor?