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Re: Pay Attention Twiki
Tiki Views: 1,272
Published: 16 y
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Re: Pay Attention Twiki

" I guess many liberals have more or less given up with their personal potential and finding their niches in the economy. It is sad."

This is an illusion that is propagated by the right wing radio nuts. All of the liberals that I know are professionals that are gainfully employed or retired with very good pensions. They are concerned with people that who are less fortunate. They favor help for individuals as opposed to help for corporations....when there has to be a choice. They are for increased aid to students, so that everyone has a chance for education and bettering themselves. They believe that everyone has a right to health care.

Poor people, generally don't vote. They are uneducated and have no clue that their votes would probably help their own economic situation. Those that do vote, are easily swayed by dreams of patriotism - that's why the Bush/Cheney signs were so predominate on the lawns of trailers.


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