Strength -- Amen to that!
...We are so lucky to have elders we could/can trust, to look to them to naturally show us the way...without having to figure out where they needed to know more.
I can bottle foods and dehydrate, and root cellars fascinate me. I can understand water through and over rocks, and microorganisms, and ultimate gardening, but I don't understand or trust the current theories about blood sugars/diabetes, and so on.
My husband is 86, and eats foods that would kill me, I believe.
I learn new things about myself every once in a while. For instance, the other day we cooked up some apples to unsweetened applesauce.
I ate two cereal bowls of it, with some cottage cheese.
That night I was up to pee 15 to 20 times. I almost didn't sleep.
I have been troubled in that area for years, but this was ridiculous!
Note that the apples didn't spike my blood
Sugar to any extent that I could notice.
So, all that applesauce they were promoting in the hospital, when I had a stroke, meant that it was no wonder I had such difficulty managing myself through the night!
I have never been much of a fruit-eater...apples, especially, seemed too sharp. Sometimes I could down half of one and did, daily, back when I tried the original Weight Watchers in their early days.
No more, I think.
Now I must understand blood sugars, high/low glycemic index, and such, to stay alive, it seems.
It seems unfair when certain other people around here are making mince tarts, from store-bought makings...and eating them in front of me!
Got any hints?