I am convinced that we must live with and accept NATURAL microflora... bacteria yeasts etc. as being beneficial for us. THEY are NOT bad for us. They are absolutely essential for our health, well being and survival.
There are 10's of thousands of these microorganisms that are either beneficial or benign... and only a handful that are harmful... in the case of bacteria... 130+ known I believe (may be a few more since I last studied this)... out of all of the known bacteria species - in one liter of water there were once found 20,000 different species of bacteria... this was the kind of water we were meant to be drinking... free flowing, clean, unpolluted water... full of mineral ions and bacteria, green algae, and who knows what else.
Things have changed with us and our wanton abuse of these water resources though....
If you have good well water feel very fortunate... AND for gods sake if it has tested good to excellent, do not distill it.
Each of the harmful bacteria are easily kept in check with a healthy terrain and full complement of beneficial microorganisms... no zappers, Beck, CS, etc. needed EVER... They should also be found in large numbers on the skin... NEVER use antibacterial soaps and such or you will upset the balance.
NOTE: We are NOT discussing the harmful man made bioengineered organisms here...
Unfortunately, humans and
Science never really figured all of this out... beneficial bacteria were starting to be understood and were being used in medicine shortly before the advent of cheap to manufacture, highly profitable
Antibiotics TO ACCOMPLISH THE SAME THING... with NO side effects.
Before we understood it all as we should have (science and medicine still doesn't fully appreciate or understand it), germ "theory", and its extremely lucrative revenue producing business model took root along with pasteurization and sterilization of our foods... the use of
Antibiotics became commonplace... among other things, like the irradiation of foods to "kill" these bacteria... which produced sick people and an endless circle of the consumer paying for the very foods that made them sick requiring medical services to make them well...
These microflora are as much a vital part of our immune system, health, and well being as they are to the soil and all that grows/feeds on them... and that includes us.
They are as important and vital to our intestines/gut and microvilli, as they are to the root of a plant which ensures nutrition is delivered to the organism, while protecting it from pathogens.
They manufacture,
Antibiotics , antibodies, vitamins, enzymes, and improve assimilation greatly - perhaps hundreds of times over in some cases.
This little ditty from 2008...
Future perspectives
Although still in it infancy, the experimental studies outlined in this Review, coupled with correlations in patient groups, collectively highlight the complexity of the relationship between commensal bacteria and the mammalian immune system. The emerging recognition of the relationship between commensal communities, the host immune system and susceptibility to inflammatory diseases emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the pathways that initiate and maintain host–bacterial symbiosis. The identification of a cardinal role of IECs as central mediators in these interactions will focus future efforts on delineating the molecular and cellular mechanisms through which IECs recognize commensals and how they coordinate intestinal immune homeostasis in health and disease.
This is why chronic use of enemas,
colonics and the frequent ingestion of things like
Colloidal Silver and fasting, IMO is NOT at all in our best interests as it weakness us greatly over time.
Sure we may not get sick and feel well... but have we established immunity? No... not at all. If we are to survive, our bodies must be exposed to pathogens and establish immunity to them.
Enemas, colonics, liver flushes, etc. should be done only on an as needed basis, or to act as a segue into this style of life... cleaning out the old and starting anew.
ingesting things that kill off the microflora is not wise either, UNLESS, the action is "medically" needed and concerted efforts are taken to reestablish them afterwards.
Even some so called "parasites" have been found to be beneficial for us. It makes sense in the broad scope of things... look at all of the animals in the natural world that have other animals, birds, fish, insects that are an integral part of their niche - ecosystem... the beneficial creatures, microorganisms, and "parasites" will be attracted to us if we focus on a healthy terrain... they help us to maintain health and well being... even in an ever increasingly polluted world... perhaps especially so as they clean up the "waste" in our systems and make good use of it.
How many times have you seen the use of one bacteria or fungus in waste clean up? There is a reason for this... that is what they do.
All of that said, it is up to us alone to eat in such a way that the beneficial organisms flourish and the disease causing ones are kept in check.
Very difficult to do today with commercial foods, organic, or not. Unless you are growing some of your own and getting dirty nearly every day... with healthy soil full of microorganisms.
Ever wonder why kids seem to eat dirt? it is pure, raw instinct... people used to test soil for planting by tasting it... too acid no good, too alkaline, no good.
As an example of how confused most folks have become... many say that dairy is mucus forming... in fact there are many who advocate mucousless diets now... this is a bunch of bunk and further confusion... due in part as a result of our current food state (dairy began its change away from grass feeding about 1813 with the introduction of distillery grain waste/mash) and environment.
I use raw goat dairy and ingest 10's of billions of bacteria every day in my raw milk kefir, EM containing foods, including home made cultures, kombucha, you name it.
I have NEVER been this mucous free. And my health has bumped to a whole new level... and my understanding has expanded 10 fold.
We got it all wrong - or were led astray on purpose for profit if you want to believe that... a long time ago and understanding health and well being has become one big mass of confusion... to top it all off... many espouse a one size fits all diet - whatever the popular fad of the week... another load of crap.
People ate with and adapted to their environment (environments and the available foods in them varied greatly - and thus their diets and the microorganisms in them did to)... and the microorganisms in it. This is one reason why, along with an individual's terrain (determined by what they "chose" to eat), the variability in microorganism species and their function, (function in one species can vary dependent upon pH) varies, sometimes greatly from one person to the next.