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new user seeking advise re: candidiasis
pilgrim 53 Views: 2,598
Published: 16 y

new user seeking advise re: candidiasis

I've just come across your website, and hope that someone can help me out. I've been battling candida for so long, 15 years since I found out what it was. I got rid of it once, but it came back, and now seems to be resistant to just about everything. I've recently come across a website for a medication named lufeneuron (?) and am wondering if it might help me get some type of control over this thing. Can you give me any information on it? Since it is a vet med, I am hesitant about it's use in people.
The syptoms I have lately seem to be getting worse (even my tongue is starting to bleed) and I really need to find something that works. My diet is 98% good; veggies, fish, chicken, and a few things like quinoa, spelt, chia, etc. I use stevia most of the time, with once in a while xylitol, chicolin, and rarely, splenda. These I use if I bake muffins or something like that.
Once every couple of months, I seem to fall off the wagon whenI go out somewhere, and end up eating something with Sugar or some other forbidden thing in it. Is this enough to account for the ongoing syptoms?
Thanks for any help you can give me!


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