pilgrim 53
ok, first, the muffins - I'm not using regular grains, only quinoa and spelt. And they are not an everyday thing, only once in while, when I absolutely cannot stand to look at another plate of vegetables. plus, I got the recipes from a candida cook book! I have tried most of what's out there (I think) including the LS722 stuff. It worked for a bit, but then it came back again, so it is resistant to it too now. I brew a herbal tea everyday for liver support,which I have added Pau d'arco to in the past.
My syptoms could fill a whole book, so I'll only list the worst ones: major memory loss (what did I just say?) fatigue (10 hours of sleep just isn't enough) when I can get comfortable - joints ache when I lie down on my sides, joint and muscle pain with inflamtion in the joints, bleeding from the nose, and now my tongue?, we won't discuss the digestion and elimination process, suffice it to say it follows the classical syptoms, dry skin and hair,
food allergies , chronic low-grade infection in my throat/ears. Sore throat, hoarse voice (there goes my singing career!) The list could go on I know, but my memory fails me here. I am seriously considering trying the lufeneuron. I am currently seeing a naturopath, and he read the print-off I gave him of their website. He thought I could give it a try. Any other suggestions?