I am 41 years old and I have the Mirena removed about 6 weeks ago (it was place about 18 months ago). I started to have problems with tinnitus (ear ringing) and ear fulness 3 to 4 months ago. I started to look on the internet as I was almost sure that these symptons were side effects from Mirena, since these symptoms became worse with attacks that lasted 4 to 5 days on a 4-weekly basis (in the past I had my periods exaclty each 28 days). The ear ringing got now worse. My specialist is convinced that these symptons will disappear since the Mirena is removed. But I am still desparate and fear that the ear ringing will not go away. I am nervous as the symptons are affecting my daily activites.
You said that the symptons got better after a couple of months after removal of Mirena. Do you take now any hormons (pil)?