So if I cite it not, it doesn't exist !! LOL, that's a good one. How can any reasonable person arrive at that conclusion ? Wrongful assumptions lead to false conclusions just as much as do arguments based on false premise. If it becomes habitual in a person, then they may put out wrongful conclusions in habitual manner.
One does not need studies for simple considerations such as the solubilities of simple organic salts !! This is the most basic chemistry, learned freshman year.
But, realizing that some types might be made more comfortable with "studies", I suppose it can't do much harm to cite some reading material. I suggest you begin with # 4 below if you really want to burn time on this matter that was settled over 60 years ago. But just because I don't cite something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Reference #7 below is a good example of how wrongful assumption leads to wrongful conclusion.
I'm through on this topic. If you have any differences with any of the articles, the authors are typically very friendly and in my experience usually write back. Good luck in your quest.
1) Hickey S. Roberts H. (2004) Ascorbate: the
Science of Vitamin C, Lulu press.
2) Hickey S. Roberts H. (2004) Ridiculous Dietary Allowance, Lulu press.
3) McCormick W.J. (1946) Lithogenesis and hypovitaminosis, Medical Record, 159, 410-413.
4) Curhan, G. C., Willett, W. C., Speizer, F. E., Stampfer, M. J. (1999) Megadose Vitamin C consumption does not cause kidney stones. Intake of vitamins B6 and C and the risk of
kidney stones in women, J Am Soc Nephrol., Apr, 10, 4, 840-845.
5) Curhan G.C. Willett W.C. Rimm E.B. Stampfer M.J. (1996) A prospective study of the intake of vitamins C and B6, and the risk of
kidney stones in men, J Urol, 155(6), 1847-1851.
6) Chalmers A.H, Cowley DM, Brown J.M. (1986) A possible etiological role for ascorbate in calculi formation, Clin Chem, 32(2), 333-336.
7) Massey L.K. Liebman M. Kynast-Gales S.A. (2005) Ascorbate increases human oxaluria and
kidney stone risk, J Nutr, 135(7), 1673-1677.
8) Tiselius H.G. (2000) Stone incidence and formation, Clinical Urology 26(5), 452-462.