Re: seems like everyone has parasitic infections.Is this a planned conspiracy to limit our lifespans?
the medical system is about 40 years behind, really not kidding. look up the story of h. pylori and the doctor who said it was these that cause ulcers, he was berated. the same holds true for many of the pioneers such as Lister and the guy who came up with anesthesia. the system is filled with a bunch of dimwits who need to look important so they oppose the true genius' because they can't keep up.
heard about the trans fats being reduced in foods because they are bad for you, like this is a new discovery? I read about this from a book written in the 1950's. so most in the medical "go along to get along".
parasites are very difficult to diagnose unless you are using the latest pcr technology but
parasites are not the only culprit in many diseases there are mycoplasma infections, stealth viruses and rogue bacteria as well and I should not leave out our friends the yeast/fungus family :)
and yes they have the autoimmune complex all wrong, this is not a defect in the immune response like they say "it is the body attacking itself" - not true these are undetected pathogens that the body is trying to deal with.
one day they are going to realize that many diseases have their etiology in pathogens, for instance a university in florida made a bold statement that cancer etiology is due to pathogens something that Royal Rife new some 70 years ago. the florida group mentioned that they have proven the virus theory of cancer such as the HPV virus causing cervical cancer and they listed about 7 other cancer/virus links.
lastly the medical system is myopic in that they are classicly trained which means they only look at a very small section of medicine and if the theory is outside of the box then they cannot fathom that, and they are very legalistic in that unless they were taught it, it does not exist.