Effects of Triphala over long periods of time..
..seem to be all beneficial.
Hi Jessesmom,
Yep. Here is the info on taking Triphala for long periods of time and what to expect from it- find the stars (****), from Web Address:
Ref. Triphala-
literally means "three fruits," "tri" meaning "three" and "phala" meaning "fruit. The three fruits contained in Triphala are Haritaki, Amalaki and Bibhitaki.
A: There is a saying in India that if a vaidya knows how to use Triphala properly, he can heal any disease. It is highly revered in Maharishi Ayurveda.
When these three fruits I mentioned are combined as Triphala, they form a very powerful rasayana. A rasayana is the most highly refined and powerful herbal and fruit combination in ayurveda, and is known to promote long life and rejuvenation. A rasayana promotes ojas, the material equivalent of bliss. Ojas is the finest product of digestion, and prevents disease, creates luster in the skin and rejuvenates the whole body.
Besides nourishing the mind and body and promoting longevity, Triphala has many specific effects. It is particularly rejuvenating for the digestive tract, and is a rasayana for the eyes and the skin.
Triphala balances Apana Vata, the subdosha of Vata that governs the colon, lower abdomen, menstrual flow and elimination. For most people Triphala is a mild laxative, and for that reason it is excellent for clearing toxins from the digestive system. In very rare cases it has a stronger laxative effect, but usually it is an ideal bowel cleanser precisely because of its mildness. In moderate doses it is gentle, and detoxifies the body slowly.
****But because it is slow, you can take it for longer periods of time, and then it has a deeply purifying effect. It goes deeper into the physiology and releases the toxins at a much deeper level.****
Q: What do you mean by "going deeper" into the physiology?
A: There are seven tissues (dhatus) in the body, and they form in a sequence. Starting with Rasa (the nutrient fluid derived from food), the tissue chain progresses from to Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (fat), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone marrow) and Shukra (reproductive fluid) in a chain of reactions that is sequential and orderly.
The professional cites are all there at the link too, which is the only reason I referred to them, because these folks are selling something, no doubt about it. I did not carry forward their product names in my post, since I have no idea whether they're any good or not..
Good Health to All of Us,