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Re: releasing versus retaining seminal fluid - the male ejaculation story
Tyler Durden Views: 5,283
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Re: releasing versus retaining seminal fluid - the male ejaculation story

As for the metaphysical part of the cllmax, something I've picked up from the Rev. Cottrell material..

On a spiritual level, along with the expulsion of sperm there is an expulsion of energy. It's common for those who do energy work e.g. Chi Gung and meditation, to experience a boost in libido since the inflow of chi or prana (the life force) energy through the 7 chakra points of the body- one of them, the 2nd, relates to the libido and virility. During meditation, the chakra points are unlocked and activated, including this one hence the rise in libido which can be dramatic.

This energy can be used two ways: 1) expelled through cllmax, or 2) redirected for spiritual growth.

Consider that certain holy men throughout the ages, and to this day e.g. catholic priests, take a vow of celibacy. The above is the basis for that practice- to avoid the more 'earthly' use for this energy. Essentially when one is on a spiritual path that includes regular meditation for advancement, the more one abstains from sexual activity the more quickly one can advance. Many disciplines talk about a 'form of' celibacy, for example in one, it's recommended that for 15-25 year olds or so, they need to restrict themselves to two cllmaxs a week, 26-35 year olds, 1 cllmax a week, 36-50 year olds, one cllmax a month(!!). For individuals following this kind of plan, procreating/starting a family is difficult, so some end up not marrying; indeed it isn't practical for most ppl in Western culture.


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