=) Doctors can be quite useless in cases like this, I've lost alot of faith in them. Especially dermatologists! Just go in there with alot of info about the product, maybe some literature off the internet too. None of my doctors had heard of it. It's very new. He should have no problem prescribing it though. Your pharmacy might have to order it for you, some of them don't carry it, but they can get it.
I hope it helps you like it did me. If you search this forum's galleries, you can find my old pictures when my cheilitis was at it's worst. They are at the bottom of the page in a folder names "Martin's Before and After".
I noticed a difference immediately. It depends on how bad your lips are. Mine were getting more manageble, but I couldn't find a product that was agreeable to use regularly. This fit the bill. Just give it time.