Re: l-glutamine vs. glutamate vs. free glutamici acid.
with the l-glutamine there are different processes they use to make it , one of which is fermentation of
Sugar to produce it.this may be why some people have an issue tolerating it , i know i have trouble with any fermented foods.
personally i took l-glutamine for 6 weeks and had a worsening of symptoms - i'm pretty much back to square one right now but i'm off it and hope to make some improvements on a very restrictive diet and with some stress relief techniques.
i think that is something everyone here has in common - some form of stress's a good post i came across on the leaky gut forum
, what it really says is the brain and the gut are closely correlated and stress can increase the permeability of the gut lining.
i'll be going away for 2 weeks , wednesday is my last day at work.will be going camping and trying to do more of these relaxation techniques and also eat a diet consisting of only 5 foods which i know from both testing and personal experience that i am not sensitive to.i hope to cure my constant brain fog and digestive issues this year , i can't keep going on like this.