Re: Alcohol?
Mama, I have experienced the re-establishment of many lost things while abstaining since 2002. Memory can come back, but the body is badly burned by alcohol, yet will always try to correct itself. With a little natural assistance I could be healthier as I age than I was when younger and in the hands of the AMA, full of Pharma crap and liquor. The memories lost in black-outs have not returned, but then oblivion was what I sought and is what I got. I know today alcohol solves nothing, when I used to believe nothing could happen without it. How would I dance, relax, have sex, etc., without drinking? I didn't know I craved the simple
Sugar it is, and the escape it provided albeit temporary. There are so many better things for anxiety - that don't harm while they help.
I drank coffee continuously when I sobered up and watched myself dump more and more
Sugar into it, or would go on a binge with the nasty supermarket cinnamon rolls - same crave - different sources, but WHY? Today, for me, it is possible that
parasite and candida have some bearing on this. I don't care who drinks as long as they are not alcoholic, and as long as it isn't me. Alcohol creates ILLUSION of ease and comfort ..... I find more comfort in paper and pen on a daily basis, where the truth of my internal world may be expressed in safety, honestly - that and a cup of chamomile is way better than any drink of alcohol that puts your brain to sleep in stages like ether.