Re: can someone please tell me the difference in the different type of colonics and advice on how to get a more sucessful one?
Hello there,
I thought I would put in my 2 cents. I have tried an open system - a Libby and found it *very good*. I liked that *I* could control the water that came in and not the theratpist.
Like you, I had tried an open system - at a place in Houston, TX some months ago. She could not get ANYTHING out and made me believe that my case was somewhat difficult. Each
colonic cost about $100.00 and produced NO results whatsovever. Wasted time, wasted money.
Months later - around Christmas time, I tried a Libby system in San Antonio, TX. I thought "what the heck" - well, that
colonic worked SO MUCH BETTER! One session with this machine had done more than 4 sessions with the closed system in Houston. It was much cheaper too - around $60 for the first one and $45 from then on out.
I currently am in Germany and can't go any more ;-( but am investigating the use of Colema boards. I have some hope. So, anyone who tries to turn you off to the machines, I say give it a try and you decide. I like the machines (open) systems because I can control what goes into my body - not a administrator.