Re: At my wit's end. (long read)
Obviously you are suffering and need some relief ASAP.
Out of everything you wrote, there are 2 things that stand out to me. That of having "orange peel skin" and also that of passing what looked like "tomato peels or skins".
I believe the orange peal skin is that of having a systemic candida infection. I also have this symptom, as well as many others as you. And other than having an actual diagnosis, I am certain that's what this is. Obviously there are several species of candida, but if it is that of Candida Albicans, a diagnosis can be confirmed with a blood test called "Candida Antigen and Antibody Panel" through a lab called Focus Diagnostics out of Utah.
Candida can cause all kinds of the horrible symptoms you are indicating. As far as treatment goes, I have tried dam near everything! It is very hard to get rid of, and quickly builds resistance to even the most toxic of medicines. But it is no match for that of Collidal Silver! It cannot build a resistance, no matter how much it mutates.
I see that you have tried this product already. Not sure which brand or at what ppm concentration, but there are MANY weaker variations of this product on the market that do NOTHING more for you than that of drinking water. Also, sticking to a strict Candida Diet or Lemonaid Diet is very important for any treatment to work in killing candida. I purchased a very good product from a website called Invive, where they have specific indications, strengths, and directions. Check it out!
As for the "tomato skins" in your stool. Were they red looking skins, with some of them more or less rolled into small tubes? If yes, I too observed such pieces of foreign matter. I believe these to be the shed skins of worms or
parasites (just like snakes do).
I too went through the whole maze of herbs and Rx meds in trying to attack my
parasite issue. Including large doses of Triclabendazole and Praziquantel (YUCK!!)...for I too thought I had a fluke infection. I might be wrong, but I am quite certain that this is NOT the case for either of us. Otherwise these meds would have worked!
Since Rx meds are species specific, I went through the whole list (one at a time). None of them worked until I got to the Roundworm meds. Both Pyrantel Pamoate and Thiabendazole killed about 1/2 dozen or more (what I believe to be) Ascarus Lumbricoides. This species of roundworm is 1 of 2 that are capable of spreading throughout the body beyond the confines of the GI tract (hense many of the other devastating symptoms you are experiencing).
In keeping with the stipulations of this forum, I also had some success with
Clarkia . But only with taking very large doses with a small meal was the product able to kill a couple of these suc***s!
But with regards to the meds, Pyrantel works very well on worms in the GI tract, whereas Thiabendazole works best on larvae that has spread throughout the body.
Clarkia works well on both! And because it is alcohol based, it is also able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier if you are experiencing headaches (with the sensation of movement). Such symptoms indicate a possible parasitic infection of the brain. It also works well on candida, which is also capable of infecting the brain. But there is always that issue of candida resistance to herbs.
As far as your abdomin pains, are you sure that they are confined to your liver? Because the small intestine (where roundworms inhabit) occupies a large portion of your abdomin. But (like I said) this species of roundworms larvae is capable of traveling anywhere throughout the body, so your liver might very well be involved. Their larvae eventually make their way into the lungs, where they then work their way up into the esophagus, where they are then swallowed back into the GI tract in completing their lifecycle...growing into even more adult worms. Bad breath, minor chest pain, and coughing up of flem being symptoms of this occurring.
You may want to get an actual diagnosis as to what species you are infected with. Presently I am chomping at the bit waiting for a lab report from a company called Metametrix. Where they specialize in DNA analysis of stool specimens in diagnosing every major species of
parasite that is capable of infecting the human body.
I have sent them an email requesting information as to referring interested patients to doctor's that have accounts set-up with them, and that are local to the requested patients area. Have not heard back yet.
A lot of long difficult reading on your thread, but I hope this sheds some light for you.