"It started when I was around 13. I tried to screw something but I couldn't hold the screw driver straight no matter how hard I tried, even with two hands."
Do you have any recollection of any toxic environmental aspects that may have triggered any of this? Perhaps any dental amalgams or root canals that you may have had just prior. Also, think of any other toxic situations that may have occurred in your immediate vicinity or maybe near you. How about possible involvement with pesticides, etc? Also, what year did this all start up? Also consider electromagnetic interference from cell masts, towers, home wifi, etc. They can really interfere with the electrical cellular communication in people’s bodies.
"When I was 17 I started getting bad fatigue and anxiety. I've always had fatigue and anxiety, both social and otherwise but this was different. I dreaded going to school because it made me nervous."
At this point I would like to ask you what your diet was like at this time. Please be specific.
"I wasted time thinking it was all psychological, which is what the establishments wants you to think. From age 17-20 I tried to cure myself through self-help books and nonsense New Age techniques. Cognitive behavioral therapy, positive thinking, "The Secret" which I am sure you have heard of. All of it is rubbish if you ask me..."
As far as spiritual aspects to any condition they are a part of the total picture. I do agree that the new age movement has been seeded by propaganda and agendas. There is much information that can be easily cross referenced about many of the new age movement philosophies being part of spiritual psyops (psychological operations) planted as part of social engineering, but please be careful not to condemn all spirituality in the pack. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater will have you miss some of important things that will help along with physical and emotional components of healing. It’s a total package and they all blend for powerful healing. But one must sort through the ineffective stuff and go for the stuff that actually works.
That said there is only really one disease. Seen at the physical level, it is toxicity and lack of nutrition. Then depending on people’s weakness within their unique bodies, the body breaks down in the weak areas giving the illusion of a labeled illness. This is complete and utter nonsense and only serves the medical mainstream in categorizing a “disease” and then having an excuse for dispensing patented drugs as a cover up to symptoms of what really is toxicity and malnutrition. There are harmonics to this concept but I will stick to the physical one for now.
"I think that cognitive behavioral therapy and a select few other psychological methods, maybe hypnosis, are the only ones that have any real merit. And even then, all of the CBT in the world isn't going to fix you if your problem is physical. Freud, I believe, was literally a dis-information agent straight off the Tavistok Institute pay roll."
I think CBT is an outdated method and would rather use more proven therapies for this type of thing but realize of course you need to deal with this at 2 levels here. The physical level must be addressed. This can be compared to the hardware of a computer. The physical components must be functioning. Once the physical aspect is functioning better, then one can look to the “software” so to speak. Things like clinical hypnosis, specialized NLP (specific for this kind of situation), TAT, etc can really clear out patterns that work to hold the physical malfunctioning in place.
I see you have been researching how disinformation is being designed to use on the masses. There are so many social engineering maneuvers it’s hard to keep track. Faked moon missions, assassinations, even cultural manipulation such as musical icons etc are all created to create perceptions that lead civilization down certain pathways. It’s good to know these things, but for now at least, please try and focus on the solution more than the problem. It’s good to be aware of the environment and the hazards and traps that exist, but once you do, it’s much more powerful to shift your attention and focus on the solutions.
"I threw the prescription away after leaving her office. She only did a TSH test for thyroid. If you know anything about thyroid tests, you will know that TSH is not a conclusive test. The RA test and TSH came back normal.
Thus far I have tried colloidal silver, MMS, iodine, possible nutritional deficiencies, and countless supplements. As far as cleansing is concerned, I have done P & B shakes and thoroughly cleaned out my bowel but I never saw mucoid plaque. I am still doing the shakes. I have flushed my liver with the Clark method 8 times and have passed about 800 stones ranging from 1mm to 1.5 inches."
Okay, I read through all of that and it became blaringly obvious that you may be missing the most important aspect of all. I will say this - If you take care of your biological terrain, all disease will disappear and a balanced state will resume. Cleansing is good but there should be no need for that amount of parasite cleansing for that long. There can really only be 2 main things going on and everything else is a subset of these. The first is toxicity which will create an environment suitable for parasites and impede bodily functions and lack of nutrition which will do the same.
Please realize that your body does not recognize most supplements. In fact they just add an unnecessary burden to an already overworked liver. The key is to get high powered nutrition in the most natural form -- FOOD. When extra nutrition is needed, the food must be optimal. You can use superfoods like barley grass (powdered) Dulse (high natural iodine), spirulina, blue-green algae, goji berries, hemp, and hemp oil (best source for omegas). Also lots of distilled water with a tad of dulse in it will help flush things out and create proper solubility to your cells. The key is pure water, pure air and utilizable minerals (from food sources). Our bodies are electrical in nature. Each of our cells our replicas of our total body and they require electrical potential to function - minerals and water. Even Linus Pauling realized this during decades of nutritional research. He said it’s all about the minerals.
Perhaps your research has also uncovered the agenda whereby the powers that control things here on good ol' planet earth, have systematically de-mineralized the soil knowing that the crops would become dependent on chemicals and also that the population would become ill and thus dependent on pharmaceuticals. This is a pretty smart tactic from their point of holding power and wealth, while culling the population at the same time. These overwhelming crimes against humanity don’t even begin to describe what they have engaged in. They keep it all in place by using the mainstream media carefully designed propaganda disguised as credible news. They call it television “programming” for a reason. You probably have run across the Bernays information being that he was Freud’s (fraud’s) nephew and helped corporations and governments design mind control operations.
"I hate to sound desperate but I am. I am tired of buying different drugs/herbs and getting no where in this trial+error routine. All the while I have horrible fatigue which nothing has lifted even slightly."
You seem to have gotten yourself into chasing symptoms out of desperation. This is understandable, because you are highly motivated to feel better. Most people feeling as bad as you obviously do would eat cow manure if they thought it would make them feel better. However, gorging on synthetic vitamins and other supplements is a common mistake made many alternative health seekers. Remember there is just as much disinformation on the alternative side of things as well because of profit motivation. In fact, many of the Pharma companies secretly hold shares in many of the nutritional companies in order to cover their influence on both sides of the fence.
If you sit back and look at the bigger picture with some essential understanding of how the body works holistically, you can circumvent all of the confusion, time wasting and needless ongoing suffering by leveraging the situation with the core I have described and get to your goal of optimal health with much more ease. You may be making this harder than it needs to be. From what you described here, I would say you certainly are! If you look at the essential understanding that it all boils down to toxicity and lack of nutrition, then it becomes paramount to begin stabilizing your nutritional status. This is done with high energy, mineralizing food (consider pressed juices too, not just centrifuged juices) and reducing toxicity (far-infrared sauna and clay baths), then you will re-balance your biological terrain and your symptoms will fall away as your body corrects itself. I would -highly- suggest a raw, organic diet as this will flood your body with nutrition and halt toxins in both the form of pesticides as well as toxins created during the cooking process.
We become ill because we interfere with our body’s innate intelligence of keeping us in balance. When we overwhelm or interfere with its capacity to do this, we get symptoms. The more the interference, the more symptoms we experience while the body breaks down further and further. The symptoms are the body’s way of saying “Hey, there are problems here that need fixing.” Nutrition and toxin removal will reset things. The good news is with key knowledge, this can shift and shift fast.
I would also add rebounding (great for lymph cleansing), skin brushing and a series of colonics. Keep it simple though, and please realize that the amount of supplements you were/are taking was/is counter productive, in my opinion. They are just adding to your toxic burden.
Another very powerful thing is to do deep breathing in equal counts. Let’s say 4 in, 4 hold, 4 out, 4 hold and do this for at least 9 in a sequence. Try for 3 sequences daily. Do this in fresh air to maximize the effect.
Do you meditate? This will help reduce stress which also adds to the total toxic burden. By resting your mind here and there you will power up your healing. There is a very easy technique in one of my blogs (Here). Try it and see what happens over a couple weeks.
I hope I have shared some ideas that can help you get back on track.
Remember, it's only one dis-ease parading as many. Toxicity and lack of nutrition is the big secret Big Pharma does not want you to know. You now know it and have a clear map back to optimal health.
"Thank you for your concern and any help or advice you can offer is appreciated. If you have any questions about me or whatever, feel free to ask."
What I have shared here will begin to correct things at the physical level. Hypnosis and the other things I mentioned will help get behind all of this at the other harmonics. As far as people that think all this is crazy, etc, they have been brainwashed. Cut them some slack. They took the bait and as a result will get sick, and maybe even die, in ignorance. It’s a sad situation, however once you get through this, (and you will), you will be able to help them when they fall - that is, once they have had enough pain and are ready for significant change.
Focus on your healing in a gentle but powerful fashion and move forward. Try not to dwell on either symptoms or discord for ill-informed people. Society is under mass hypnosis. Count yourself fortunate that you are not under the same spell.
Wolf Chorus