15 y
Sorry me again more advice needed
Right as some of you know I have started the 30 day fast. On day 5 had a bit of a wobble yesterday but thanks to your encouragement Im back on track and have had a pretty good day so far.
I tried the fast last year for the 1st time and was a bit freaked out about not eating so subsequently only lasted about 10 days with some cheating in the middle. I was having about 5 pints of juice and 2 cups of potassium broth but didnt have any BSM or ACV and had about 5 dessert spoons on superfood daily. Was doing hot/cold showers IF2 but not IF1. I also was using a centrifugal juicer.
During this process I started some major detoxing but my tongue stayed clear mostly throughout and after about 4 days my skin looked amazing and was silky soft. I had quite bad dizzyness and headaches and felt like I was detoxing. After the 10 days I looked brilliant even though I hadnt done any liver or kidney work and I still had candida (not surprising since I didnt do the kidney and liver work.
Anyway my point is this, this time round Im getting far more minerals, more superfood, more juice, new better juicer Omega 8005, ACV, BSM, Coffee enemas, using twice as much IF2 as before but after 5 days my skin is still really dry and I dont look or feel any better than before.
I also feel that my digestion hasnt shut down properly and dont know if this is part of the problem. Been having slippery elm porridge twice a day and dont know if my digestion has stayed up and running which is maybe using up minerals and energy? Im clutching at straws here trying to think why things seem so different this time especially since my health was worse than when I started the fast last year compared to now.
I would appreciate any feedback, ideas especially from those brave souls who have been through the programme before as Im trying really hard and giving this my best shot and need for this to work.
Also had a major anxiety atack yesterday 10 mins after doing my 4th
Coffee-Enema (still havnt seen any green sludge or stones or much of anything) not sure If it was a reaction to the coffee or not has anyone had a similar experience.
Kindest regards