Re: 10 Candida Myths
#9 - Use of antifungals needs to be rotated to eliminate Candida
I usually see this claim on holistic websites and not in the research. Fungal candida can and has developed resistance and immunity to anti-fungal drugs. I find claims about needing to rotate antifungals on sites where the approach their using, or the substances that they choose to use, or some combination of the two, aren't effective for eliminating systemic candida. They claim that candida is adapting to whatever their using, so you need to rotate antifungals. I find that they're just not using an effective product or approach, and they subsequently rationalize its ineffectiveness as the candida adapting.
I've never found this to be the case with the McCombs Plan where we use a simple fatty acid to revert candida back into its normal yeast state.
Most natural products are fungistatic (inhibit) and not fungicidal(kill). Its better to be fungistatic, as fungicidal products(drugs) create resistant strains of candida. Nature is filled with thousands of antifungal products that plants make and each one is effective as a fungistatic agent.