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Re: Raynaud's & Circulation Problems with Thyroid Imbalance
Anja Views: 8,072
Published: 16 y
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Re: Raynaud's & Circulation Problems with Thyroid Imbalance

You're right, and what timing because I just got done asking him (and I almost NEVER ask him to do stuff around the house lest I be perceived as a nag) whether he could investigate a particularly strong smell issue in the basement which I suspect is the laundry tub drain. It is SO BEYOND his turn to deal with a home-maintenance issue. His response is "if it's not on fire, I'm not worried about it, it'll go away."

Typically, if I don't do it, it don't get done, for the most part. And I was warned by my female friends that you're supposed to negotiate this stuff BEFORE moving in together, or you'll get stuck with all the work.

I gave up on the perfect appearance a long time ago, so it could also be payback! I think mainly he can't get out of the bachelor/renter mindset, he was single too long with a low maintenance lifestyle and got used to it!


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