Re: A question for HUMAWORM
I've been paying attention to many of your postings. By the symptoms of spreading that you are expressing, it sounds like you perhaps have the same roundworm infection as me.
There are only 2 types of roundworms that are able to spread their larvae throughout the body in such a way...that being Strongyloides and Lumbricoides. They are both very dangerous and potentially fatal.
One other symptom that would confirm or indicate this would be that of mild chest pain accompanied with intermittant bad breath. I'm talking horrid!
Larvae that are shed by these worms penetrate their way beyond the intestine, circulating within the body, eventually making their way into the lungs, where they then work their way up into the esophagus, where they are then swallowed back into the stomach/intestines, completeing their life-cycle, growing into even more adult worms in your GI tract.
DE probably works on smaller immature worms. But in my experience with the product, I found it ineffective with the larger species (such as Lumbricoides). I've literally comsummed
pounds of the stuff!
Your concentration issues could be that of toxins being released by these worms, and/or that of die-off symptoms. Perhaps (as with myself) you not only have issues with worms, but also that of candida. Many of these herbal treatments (at the relatively low recommended doses) might be ineffective against heavy worm issues, but DO in fact work on candida...if you have it??
Candida can also become systemic, causing many of the symptoms you are expressing. One way of "confirming" this would be to monitar your symptoms after eating a meal of high carb/high
Sugar content. Symptoms will significantly worsen. Including things like muscle stiffness, skin issues, headaches/brain fog, hair loss, etc.
In reading a number of the responses to many of your posts, you may end up as with what happened with me...spending a fortune on remedies that only treat the issues of die-off and toxins, probiotics, etc...but do nothing to kill the worms. You need to first kill all the worms!
Although simple and primitive, ALL of these "bugs" are smart in their capabilities to adjust and survive. In some cases, ineffective remedies (or at too low of dose) will only cause them to spread or build up a resistance to the treatment.
If I'm not mistaken, I've posted a few helpful responses to your postings with regards to the use of
Clarkia and Rx meds in killing worms, as well as using Collidal Silver for candida (which candida cannot build a tollerance).
I tell you my friend, with the serious symptoms you are discribing, you will waste a lot of time and money by pissing around with many of the weak remedies that are frequently recommended on this site in treating what appears to be a very serious worm issue. I'm sorry if that offends some of you, but I've tried all or most of them at the recommended (and even higher) doses, and they did NOTHING for me.
My suggestion for you would be to go on the Lemonaid Diet (minus the maple syrup...use Stevia instead) for a few days or a week (along with salt water flushes in the morning) to clear out fecal matter and toxins from your body and GI tract. This also starves the worms and candida a bit. Then hit them hard with a small meal along with a HEAVY DOSE of whatever herbal treatment or Rx med that you want to try.
If going by way of herbal, I would stick to the 3 biggies (black walnut, clove,
Wormwood ). In trying ALL of the major herbal brand herbal capsules...NONE of them worked for me. However, I did have success with the product
Clarkia . It also works on candida. As well, with it being alcohol based, it is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream attacking the symptoms of spreading larvae VERY WELL!
If you do have roundworms, Pyrantel Pamoate works well on most roundworm species, and can be purchased at most pet supplier stores.
But again, for either treatment to be successful in killing large worm issues, it has to be at a high enough dose!
As far as aquiring an actual diagnosis, conventional stool testing methods are a waste of time. And the many negative test results you get will only ruin your credibility of having a parasitic infection with your doctor. I would recommend the
parasite stool analysis kit offered by Metametrix. They use DNA analysis to test for every species. Check out their website, and find a local doctor that deal with them.