Thanks for the advice! i was wondering, do you experience hypoglycemai as well?
I don't know what to do or why I am getting these symptoms but if i dont eat for a while.. and sometimes that means 2 hours.. i get hypoglycemic. But the worst of it is I cannot sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. And i am waking up so tired and drained. Whenever i drift off to sleep, within 2 hours time i am having a full on nightmare and then i wake up completely startled, vision blurry, and somewhat confused as to where i am and why i HAVE to get up that instant. then i try to go back to sleep but my heart is constantly going off on me and what not so i get up to eat something and calm myself down.
Is this related to adrenal fatigue? Even during the day i am easily startled by like noises or when in the car and someone honks, but its not my personality which makes me believe that its something purely physiological. I had a strong personality and was not the type to get startled easily.. i LOVED scary movies. And now i have become weak in body and in heart. Any idea why my body wakes up startled in the middle of the night? Is it possible that it is warning me that my body Sugar is dropping?