Re: Has my adrenal fatigue turned into hypothyroidism as well?
AF and hypo go hand in hand. If you have AF then most likely you are also hypo. If you can find a good ND or someone who specializes in AF and hypo then go to them. Mainstream medical docs won't help you, they will send you home with an anti depressant and say nothing is wrong.
Have you taken daily basal temps? Go here for more info and download a free temp chart
Please also visit
if you have not already done so. Stay calm and try not to let yourself get overwhelmed. You can conquer this, you just need patience.
Meantime here are a few good books I strongly urge you to read:
Chronic Fatigue Unmasked 2000 by Gerald Poesnecker
Hypothyroidism Type 2 by Mark Starr
We Are All In Shock by Stephanie Mines
Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by James Wilson
If you read the above books you will understand AF and why you got where you are. Knowing this will help you get better. I went through the same thing you did and I know it is frustrating but this will only make you more anxious. Take it one day at a time and research the living daylights out of this. Write down what you eat, this will help you figure out how to change your diet. Do things that give you pleasure and make you happy and forget things that stress you.
BTW your yellow skin sounds like liver toxicity. I Don't know what you eat but if you drink then stop all alcohol. No fried foods or soda of any kind and limit animal protein for now. Cut out
Sugar and junk as well. If you drink coffee (my vice) then stop gradually. Caffeine worsens AF. Drink a lot of clean water (no tap water). Try a small amount of Redmonds Real Salt or Himalayan Pink salt in your water, this MAY help with your AF (not
table salt ). Good luck and keep us posted.