Re: Has my adrenal fatigue turned into hypothyroidism as well?
NO!! It should be closer to 98.6 in the afternoon. Read Dr. Rind's site, Read Janie's site. Chart your temps. Start supporting your adrenals with LOTS of vitamin C (2-4 grams at least), B-complex, vit A and unprocessed salt like Redmonds RealSalt. Salt your food, put a pinch in your water. You can try isocort for your AF. With the symptoms of anxiety, it sounds like low cortisol. Do you know if your blood pressure is high or low. Low bp is a symptom of low cortisol and high bp is a symptom of high cortisol. Licorice supports the adrenals too.
Canary club has a 24hr cortisol saliva test for $99. It would be really helpful for you if you could swing getting that test. If you have a combination of low cortisol and high cortisol, you need to treat the low periods with stuff like isocort and licorice and high cortisol periods with zinc, holy basil and/or phosphydital serine. And if you do, have high and low periods, treating it with isocort for all times will only make the high cortisol higher.
OTC thyroid glandulars can help too, but because their so weak you'll have to take more than what's recommended.
Iodine in the form of
Lugols (Swanson vitamins have 2oz of 2%
Lugols for $10 a bottle) or iodoral (tablet form of
Lugols -- google for best price) will support the thyroid and selenium and l-tyrosine will help the thyroid convert the
Iodine to the thyroid hormone. Tyrosine will support the adrenals too.
will help explain detox symptoms.