Re: how Dave the raw food trucker lost over 200 pounds so far
thanks for pointing out that error..I got it right in the body but not the title.
Yes, Dan's videos really good you want to juice too. He looks fabulous.
Yes, you are right. I remember him saying he spoke with them and think he did attend. If he did not go, he did speak to someone and got addition info/support at bare minimum on the phone.
I did want to give the books that contained the diet and reasoning/info for those who can't go to the center for the personalized treatment.
That phase 1 is the strictest and after 3-6 months most can switch to the next phase (usually skipping phase 1.5).
This first phase is supposed to kill off candida and give one tons of energy and a sensation of well being.
Dave fasted or as he calls it "juice feasted" about 5 of the 18 months and at the time of the last current video said he was on day 41 of his juice fast/feast.
This caught my attention as I am planning on starting a juice fast this week and doing the incurables by Schultz and hope to make it 45 days this time which will be less than a week before Thanksgiving so not that great timing to shrink my stomach just to stretch it back again :)
My longer prior juice fast was 30 days. I had great results.
Yes, that is a good video--thanks for supplying the link. I linked that somewhere earlier in this thread and wish I could afford to buy it and see the whole thing but there is a hopeful sample one can watch that together with the book/s will be enough to get one's own healing miracle for this dread disease.
EDIT--for some reason, I cannot edit my original post, so I will add the new updates in the body of the thread after #13