I am doing accupuncture/herbs at least once a week. being treated for stomach/spleen deficiency. I do have moons but my nails are ridged. They got better for a while when i was doing veggie juice every day but i got lazy...all the washing but i may do another cleanse. I do have dry patches in ear or behind ear and my oldest son has white patchy elbows/psorisis?
I work out a lot and I think that helps. Its part of my life style but when i do the coldness from my tummy is there. no matter how hot i am my whole stomach-cold.
I may do juice again and give my poor hep c liver a break. I feel parastites are hvg field day sometimese on liver. I can feel them either biting or i feel a hatching-hard to say. but the biting are biggies. as i said i think i got quite a few with rife but not all. did dbl dose of triphala today and felt some movement in gut. gonna try and finish dose of chelation then hit again.
athe answer is getting medal out as i was talking to someone else from CZ and that is a long journey......