Re:How about ohforo7?
yep - this is the preparation and threads I've been cuddled up reading today. Read about Schulze going around and making folks in the room try it. Hard core - here I go! 1/16th tsp....
RE: portion size:
I must tell a story. I was in the RED for like a week until a few days ago. my redness...I didn't read my teaspoons quite accurately. Now - I normally pride myself on not hodg-podging protocols and watching my tooshie...but I was sooooo ill.
I took what I thought was a small dose of 250,000 hu cayenne powder and was pretty miserable but it didn't top being miserable in general. Felt better a few hours I repeated the experiment. About 3 hours after the first dose of cayenne (I'd been doing tincture throughout the day but then added powder), I repeated it. I was on the deck. Shaking, miserable, cramping, crying...
Next day - I grabbed my measuring spoon ring from my desk where I keep all my tinctures/herbs...the one with crusty cayenne on it? The ACTUAL 'TEASPOON'. Not an 1/8th, not a 1/4...a whole $#%*ing teaspoon.
Moral of the story? If you're so wayward that you cannot read spoons accurately - have someone more upright than yourself verify that you're using the right measure. lololol