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Re: Need advice!
jessesmom1987 Views: 3,425
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Re: Need advice!

Gosh Bythc, I was just thinking that I didn't think I'd seen you around CZ much lately. Sorry to hear of what you are going through.

I was just looking up biological dentists in my area yesterday, and I found the laser decay thing that sans was talking about--the interesting thing too, is this dentist also takes some of the patient's plaque right there in the office, and checks to see exactly what pathogens are involved! He has a video on his site of a spirochete destroying a blood cell!

I'm thinking along the same lines of what you are going through with the teeth removal, but because of having crowns on 6 teeth that are all broken/cracked to begin with, but also have had the mercury mess too. It would not be worth the money to have the crowns popped off, the broken/cracked teeth tried to be cleaned up, and new crowns. I remember my mom telling me that I had to have 17 fillings as a kid.

I also had my wisdom teeth surgically removed a year and 1/2 ago...I'm sure the gums around them were bad for some time, but this was a different hygienist, and she told me there was no way I could get the back teeth cleaned like I needed to, and they were staying chronically inflammed around them. She then also did the 2 hour per side (2 different visits) for the deep pocket cleaning :(
and then I had been going in every 3 months, until lately. I'm not so sure the deep cleaning stuff isn't also causing problems itself. That's why I decided to try to find out more about what the biological dentists do, besides the Amalgam removal stuff. They would probably see dollar signs with me, and want to try to do the clean-up, and it's not easy to convince dentists to remove the entire tooth instead. I tried to get the dentist that sent me to the oral surgeon for the wisdom teeth, to also have the tooth next to them removed, the one that a dentist put a huge filling in years ago, with pins, instead of a crown. It's had a crown over the entire mess for a while now. I'm sure it's a perfect place for bugs.

And then also having the lyme coinfections that are also known to like the darned mouth anyhow.

How does that affect everything else? I'm sure it affects it all in a big way! Dr oz was also talking about it on his show yesterday. Morbid, I know, but I also like to watch the autopsy lady, Dr G, and one of the rulings she had for the death of a man in his 30's was a bacterial infection in his lungs from periodontal disease.

Scarface, do a search for "biological dentist" and see what you come up with.


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