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Need advice!
Waiting4theDay Views: 3,447
Published: 16 y

Need advice!

I have had a long and seemingly endless journey in attempting to detox.

I have been depressed for years with a lot of anxiety. My health has slowly declined over these years.

A naturopath diagnosed my with severe candida in 2001 but didn't really give me the proper things or diet to combat it. I also didn't know what to think of the diagnosis so I didn't really put much effort into treating it. Then, after reading about it a couple of years later, I began taking probiotics. I started slow but quickly increased the amount I was taking. Mucous was starting to come out and I felt that I was making progress on the road to wellness. Then the problems began.

After about a month on the probiotics my right side started aching. It was the gallbladder area. I developed pale stools and the ache was constant. Obviously I stopped the probiotics and didn't know what to think. It was clear that I need to detox my liver so I started doing that along with Liver Flushes . Nothing was helping. I tried every liver tonic around. Herbs, bitters, vitamins, by themselves and in conjunction.

Now every supplement causes the gallbladder pains and liver conjestion.

The reason I posted in the "LYMPH" section is because I'm wondering if conjested lymph could be why I can't detox.

I tried taking 5-htp a couple of years ago for the Depression and an area between my chin and neck swelled to the size of a lemon. It got so bad that my facial hair fell out and it was like this for about a month. It was definitely caused by the 5-htp and no doctors could figure out what it was. Still to this day whatever vessel it is gets slightly swollen at times.

I also get light pains on the left side of my back in the lower lung area, and now I've started getting a red painful knob above my left knee that comes and goes. All of this is related to taking supplements and especially ones for detoxing.

I've been on the candida diet as well as anti fungals and I still have gallbladder pains and also some discomfort in my colon area.

This is a long post, but I'm desperate for help. I have an appointment with a message therapist tomorrow, but, for now, any advice or possible answers to this puzzle would be appreciated.

It's like everything that is good for everyone else is bad for me!

My local health store guru has begun calling me "The Enigma".



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