Re: Klonopin and Seroquel Withdrawal
You'll find a TON of good information in this post:
Start educating yourself asap so you'll know what is happening in your body. Withdrawal from Klonopin (any benzodiazepine) is horrible enough, but doing it without support & knowledge...can be insidious.
Those that have been through it, call it "Benzo Hell", and they don't call it that for nothing! There are MANY forums & sites (in the link above) that can offer you support, knowledge and all the help you'll need.
First thing? Do NOT try to go off both drugs at once. It's likely easier to get off the Klonopin while still on the Seroquel. It could take MUCH longer to get off the Klonopin (especially if you've been on it a long time or at a high dosage). Yet, there ARE some that don't have a lot of trouble.
Since Klonopin has a VERY long half-life; the symptoms you're feeling today, may be from a dose reduction you made 2 days it's very important you understand what you're dealing with (and what to expect).
Curezone doesn't have a forum for 'benzo withdrawal'...and I think that's for the best, because the sites in the link above are VERY experienced, full of knowledge, and are staffed by people that have already 'walked the walked' successfully.
Healthiest of blessings -