Question is... do these hot corona units which put out ozone and NOx, does the NOx also begin to cause damage to say, lung tissue. Specifically, in these hot corona units, should one be more concerned with ozone or NOx, or both equally?
Both can be damaging but it all depends on the amount of area it is being released in to. I would not turn a machine on high in a small room. And again it helps to have these machines up high to reduce the amount of ozone being inhaled. The irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes that some people experience are actually due to the acids formed by hot corona and UV units. But we have to keep in mind that the same products are produced by the action of sunlight on air and pollutants such as automobile exhaust and industrial smoke stacks. Yet we don't see people dropping dead right and left from these. Again it depends in large part on concentration. And I think it is rather ridiculous for California to ban these units when there is more of a problem with these compounds again from cars and industry.